How do you get to "Smuggler's Island" ?

I can't find a hole in Odettia or anyone called Leonid ? Thanks


  • you need to speak to theodoric, bottom right of odettia
  • Cheers, will try that !

  • Sadly the tragic death of the villain holding the key to the smugglers warehouse took place on a hole/tunnel and the key cannot be taken going up, down or beside. Can it be bought anywhere? Does it matter much?

  • edited June 2020

    Try an earlier save file? But it does not matter much.

  • Thanks. I seldom save and it was a first stop in the game so I will give it a miss. Thanks. These games which I am replaying, are keeping me going through this difficult time of social distancing. Great entertainment!

  • I'm glad you're enjoying them. It helps me too to port and make them in this time of social distancing. : )

  • Hello all,

    this one is kinda annoying me. I have more than 600 undead karma points. I spoke with Theodoric and I can’t find any Leonid. The only options that I see are “Good Citizen” and “Pass”. I answer correctly but that’s it. Nothing opens nor happens.


  • Pass is the topic that leads to his opening a wall to this right. If you go through that wall, you will see a hole. Go down that hole. The right answer is Hieronymus.

  • Thank you so much. Can’t believe it missed it ;)

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