If you have a minute, please let me know your level and which expansions you've played. We're having a big discussion testing Macha's about the target starting level. Some of the testers are level 30, some are level 40 and up. My thought was to start at level 35 or 40 because my guess was many of you are at least level 40.
Thanks very much!
43 after all of the above
That's good. Right in line. Thanks to both of you.
44 after all above
Thanks. I think we're going to start at level 40 but there will be a way to increase your level at the beginning if you're between 35 and 40. Of course, the standalone players won't have any problem, because the game is tweaked to make them level 40. : ) Testing is well underway. Hoping to finish before the end of January.
Great! Good luck to finish testing and release it soon.
Hopefully testing will be done before end of January. Everyone is working hard. It's going to be a hard expansion. Entry level 40 but if you're a bit lower, you'll be able to level up.
Hi Cat
Level 41 after finishing all Quests HD
Many thanks for keeping this great game alive !!
You're welcome. : ) Thanks for being a loyal Quester.
Hello Catacomber, and everyone. i am a new level 25 siery, but i love the idea of 40 and up sounds great! there are already a few expansions that lead up into the 20s and 30s so something more for the heavy weight heroes could be a big win! i look forward to training to be ready for this upcoming world!2
Macha's Curse should be good for heavy weight heroes.
Macha's Curse is for at least level 40 players. We're testing it so you have time to level up. Suggest you go through Ice and Fire, HOLI and HOLII and Celtic Rift. It will be there for you when you're strong enough.
Someone told me Heavy Weapon is usually a good way to go.
It's interesting to try different characters. I usually am a Nogur but enjoyed playing as a Rasvim. The game has a lot of interesting possibilities based on how you play. Someone once tried to play as a "Monk" character using only wooden weapons, no heavy armor and got pretty far.
You are going to have a good time bashing in Macha's Curse I hope. : ) Lots of evil.
I started Macha's Curse at Level 39 (after Luk II) and I finished at Level 47.
GREAT game!!!
Thanks! Celtic Queen starts at level 45. In the middle of testing. Congratulations on finishing Macha's.
Great that sounds perfect. A level or two higher shouldn't pose a problem
I wouldn't say that enemies are weak. Just your built character is getting stronger...
Macha's was meant for level 40. Celtic Queen is for level 45. Testing the monsters now. If they don't damage me enough, I beef them up. But not to level 54. : ) Sometimes, a monster seems weak in Celtic Queen, but if you get closer, you can die in a few swipes. ''
Hero of Lukomorye III will be level 50. I could add a training area or level switch (very easy coding) there but----would have to charge you ten million gold and wouldn't it spoil your fun? What would happen when you play the expansion after Luko III? You'd be godlike. You will eventually reach level 100. : )
Exactly. Small moves. There' s need to be a step by step evolution. No need to rush for level 100 when there will be a plenty of next expansions. My opinion though...
There are a lot of expansions and one thing I've learned porting them and making new ones is that it's best to increase things in steps. You never know when the engine might not like an increase that is too great and hit back and bite you. Old Greek proverb: Nothing in excess. : )
Finishing Celtic Queen HD--I'm level 51, which is good to begin Hero of Lukomorye III which starts at level 50.
Just perfect!
So what does the level really do for your character. When you level up we’re only given a fairly trivial amount of points to update our skills and attributes. Plus it puts a few points on our skills itself, but in reality it’s a small amount compared to what you already have and will have very little impact and how your character acts. To me it seems like the power of your character comes from your weapons and armor, and all the attributes that are added from them. To my knowledge that is not tied to your level, so the level number doesn’t really seem like it tells us much. How am I wrong?
That's true but I'm more interested in the various levels so I can gauge the strength the monsters need to be. Some people play the game more than others. Some of you are already level 59. Some are only level 40. Someone asked me how anyone playing through all the expansions from the base game could be higher than 35 starting Macha's Curse and I think that's the answer. I try to put in some monsters who are a challenge for the highest level.