In the HD version, if you don't want to search for all the keys and have a lot of gold, you can buy a Thieves' Key from Phredd and it will open the doors there. It's a lot more fun to look for the Submarine Keys but if you are frustrated, the Thieves Key will help you, at a cost.
In the HD version, if you don't want to search for all the keys and have a lot of gold, you can buy a Thieves' Key from Phredd and it will open the doors there. It's a lot more fun to look for the Submarine Keys but if you are frustrated, the Thieves Key will help you, at a cost.
Just out of curiosity, where is Phredd? I usually encounter him on other expansions but seem to have missed him on this one.
He and Mrs Phredd are in the Catacombs .