Tower of dark demons, where is the dungeon with the statue that gives the golden gauntlets, please ?

Tower of dark demons, where is the dungeon with the statue that gives the golden gauntlets, please ?


  • Statue there in the south westish.

  • Thanks, you,re the best.

  • I’ve got to the statue and all areas apart from the little area above the long corridor to the north/ north east. Also can’t seem to access the area to the east, above where the area above the pit in the far south east....

  • See if this helps:

  • Many thanks for the help

  • So hear is an odd question. I got the amulet of persuasion and after I got it I no longer could get to the gold door I needed for. I had marked the spot but it went away and no matter how I go through the teleporters I can not seem to get to the door. I can get to the door that needs a key which I don’t have and can’t find but the gold door is Mia. Any thoughts on this

  • edited February 2024

    All the doors in the Tower of Dark Demons are blue.

    One gold door that requires the amulet is in the north of the Temple of Dark Demons, not the Tower of Dark Demons.

    The other gold door which you might be talking about is in the surface map of Devil's Bridge. That leads to the Temple of Dark Demons.

    If you got into the Tower of Dark Demons, you must have already done that.

    One door in the Tower of Dark Demons in the east requires the Dark Raven's Key. You get that key from the Harmnone the Hermit in the northeast of the Tower of Dark Demons.

    The other one in the west is opened by a switch. Most of the doors are levers.

  • Harmnone the Hermit doesn’t speak to me. I can initiate conversation, but there is no other option except to close the conversation.

    I guess I need the key from him, to get the amulet of protection?

  • For him to talk to you, you need this quest: Code Scroll--

    For Sheets, Library, Caerworn Castle, find the Code Scroll he hid in the Tower of Dark Demons. It tells you how to find the Stone Folio that will reveal his hidden treasure. You need the Amulet of Protection he gave you to enter the Tower of Dark Demons. You can get to the Tower of Dark Demons by a teleporter in Devil's Bridge to the east.

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