Cursed Chess Set - Kyanan's Guide to Finding Grey Hood
I completed cursed chess set and I'm happy to help you so listen. If you want find Grey hood you must have Oracle's quest you can find Oracle under burning bog area.Go to Cheesemakers guild(entrance near sword shop in village of Frommage)find old shaman and accept his quest \"collect taxes\".
Go to iron knob mines and find iron moth then find Yaddaddy(you'll find him in the iron knob mountains,left part).Speak with him about tax and then tap \"Favor\"and he'll tell you\"I playing with my friend in chess but entrance to his home blocked by Xiao demons so please kill them\"then accept his quest and entrance to a teleporter(which in right part of mountains)will be opened, kill all 3 Xiao demons and teleport yourself to alternate dimension.
In the alternate dimension will be Xiao demons 10 or 8,kill them all and go to the eastern teleporter and you will be in gold key maze.Golden key not important but I'll tell you where you\'ll get him. When you killed ALL demons in golden key maze go to the main teleporter which teleport you to the Alternate dimension and stay in front of the teleporter and walk 8 steps to the west then 8 steps to the north and six steps to the east,you'll find upper black wall and below yellow wall,tap wall and you'll get the golden key(if you have problems with this key pm me).
Go to the main teleporter step on him and you'll be teleported to the red key maze(you'll find alternate dimension teleporter if you turn to east from the main teleporter).In the red key maze walk 3 steps to the east and tap hole for a key and you'll find red key.Step on the teleporter in red key maze and you'll be in blue key maze.Pull the switch which in the eastern part of the maze and teleporter stop to work step on the teleporter and tap the hole for a key and you'll get blue maze key(blue key VERY important).
Pull the switch again and teleporter start to work. Step on the teleporter and you'll be in swiss cheese room.Kill ALL Xiao demons and stay in front of the teleporter walk one step to the west and touch the pillar there must be Gong the pillar feels hot, then 2 steps to the north and touch the pillar Gong again,then again 2 steps to the north and touch a pillar Gong again,now 3 steps to the south,then 3 steps to the east,then 2 steps to the north,one step to the east,then 2 steps to the north,2 steps to the west and touch the pillar which in front of you now will be Gong and turn yourself to the south and touch the pillar Gong again and now 2 steps to the east,3 steps to the south,one step to the west and touch the pillar Gong again,now 2 steps to the south and touch the pillar,GONG again and now pillar which blocked way to the Grey hood dissapered.
Now find teleporter 2nd teleporter in swiss cheese room.You'll find Grey hood BUT you must have Roland's sword,without him he immortal you'll get sword if you complete Roland's quest(Roland in iron knob mountains)but there VERY easy way how to get his sword:if you want you can mark place where Grey hood staying but this not important because path already cleared,so go to the Alternate dimension and go southern part from from the main teleporter and you'll find the building then you'll find the door now go inside.
Walk one step to the east,one step to the north,2 steps to the east,one step to the south,3 steps to the east,10 steps to the north,3 steps to the west,one step to the north,2 steps to the west,one step to the north and one step to the west and Phredd there,you can buy "Sir Ronald's justice bringer" which killing Grey hood from Phredd. So if you have problems just pm me and I'll help you
See if this helps:
Thank you, that has helped greatly