Fairy Silk
I found 4 of the 5 pieces of silk for the fairy so she will make the disguise. I have cut the lawn on every square in the fairy area, meaning I went back-and-forth walking on each square at least once. In the Northwest there’s a lot of rivers and rocks that makes ir hard but I think I got all of them. But I’ve only found four of the five. Are all five in this same section or is one of them in joining section. Anyway you can tohelp me? This is Green Fairies Moor.
They are all in that section.
This ones killing me. I cant do most of the rest of the quests withou it. Any chance you could map out the locations. I know that is asking alot, if not, I understand.
First try this--tap a hollow tree. Step on a rock, in a pool, in some tall, wheaty looking grass and tap a yellow bush.
Cat, first of all you are awesome. Second of all you are dastardly. That one in the bush was a killer. But I’ve got it now and can go on with the game thank you so so much!
I try very hard to be dastardly. Thanks.
The one in the bush is the one I missed as well . I love these games thank you so much.
I am stuck, what do i have to do to get the quest fairy silk?
You need to speak to the Green Fairy.
"For the Green Fairy, Green Fairies' Moor, bring her five pieces of Fairy Silk so she can spin you a Connacht Shepherd's Cloak that will allow you to sneak into Connacht."
yes ok but i don't get any quest from her do i have to solve another quest first?
You need this quest: Disguise, For Wizard Cathbad, Red Branch Knights' Castle, persuade the Green Fairy in Green Fairies' Moor to make you a disguise so you can sneak into Connacht.
And you need Persuasion of at least 95.
ok, I'll continue for now because he doesn't give me the quest
Cathbad? To get the quest from Cathbad you need the quest Seek Wisdom. For the Witch Oracle, Oracle's Grove, seek the Wizard Cathbad's wisdom on how to teleport the two bulls to the Arena of Bulls.
One thing leads to another. : )
thx for the support but there‘s the next problem. I don't have a golden chest for the black witch
You get that from King Connor, Emain Macha Fort.
i know, it wasn't in the inventory somehow, i got it from phredd