Classic Version - 3rd floor Argimon, baby, Hermione

ive got the baby, went down the hall to the right of silvergirl, argimon (at least I think it was him) started a dialogue, killed me, I clicked continued game. Still have the baby in my inventory, but no passage to get to Hermione and argimon disappeared. I also can’t get past Ginny. Am I just out of luck and a weird glitch? (Beginning to think it’s part of Argimon’s evil plan and I’m too dumb to figure it out 😂)


  • edited January 14

    You chose the wrong answer. And so, he killed you. You should not have told him it's none of his business.

    Do you have an earlier save file?

  • No I don’t. I honestly don’t remember selecting none of his business bc I know how mean he is 😂

  • When you talk to Argimon and you have the baby, he says:

    I see, you are carrying my child. Don't be afraid, my child, this bad guy here will do nothing to you. Daddy is here to protect you. Where are you carrying my baby?

    There are two responses:

    First: That's not your business.

    Second: To Hermione, to save the child from you, dead man.

    If you choose the first, he sets your hp to 5 and you are easily destroyed.

    If you choose the second, he says You are correct in one thing, that I am a dead man. I've known it for some time. But I am not afraid of death. I am prepared for it. But before we stand face to face in the last battle, the child has to be saved. Hermione is the best choice. Another good choice would be Norbert, but he's dead. I think I will not waste your time any more. I need to finish my preparations for our meeting. Find Hermione and give her the baby. Don't be afraid, I will wait for you.

    And things proceed normally from there.

    Perhaps you thought the first response was the nicer one but Argimon did not. agree. He is tricky.

  • yeah I had to selected the first: bc I died as soon as I clicked a response. So SOL if I don’t have an earlier save?

  • Sadly there is no way to bring you back.

  • It’s all good. I’ll just move on to the next expansion. Which expansion lets me pay to fail missions? I can never remember lol

  • I don't remember either but it's not every mission just a few of the harder ones

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