i’m not strong enough to do anyhing here (Rath Croghan statue)
I’m in Rath Croghan east part, and facing a statue. When I tap on it, I just receive the message that I am not strong enough. I’ve collected a set of enchantables that i can easily find, and pumped my strength up to 1198 (138). How high it needs to be, I’m not sure if my strength really is the issue here? I could pick up some more enchantments and try to pump it even higher if you can confirm that it really helps?
That statue is hiding a relief that contains something. If you hit it and your strength is greater than 65, it should crumble.
Hit is the key word. : )
Ooooooh!! Hit! It seems i concentrated so much on bodybuilding that i forgot about Intelligence 🫠
I think there's an old saying that covers that situation. :)