Scroll to crypt puzzle

I went all through solomans home and didnt find any scroll. I cant figure the crypt puzzle out. What does it do when the puzzle is solved? I still got to the boat to the underground river. Also, any suggestions on how to get by the screaming bats? I keep killed by them.


  • Hi Ravensrock - I play the HD version, there was no need for the scroll. The puzzle is.a sentence that reads left to right. Each word is separated by a space. I found that once I unscrambled a word, I moved on to the next word and didn’t have to go back to the previous words that I already unscrambled. Dont forget to tap the last sign to the right when you are done and see the lady back at the beginning of the puzzle for your reward.

    i haven’t gotten to the bats yet, I’ll get back to you if I figure it out

  • Thanks jkhcm. I have the apple version of the game. Illtry the puzzle again. Im stuck in the subterra river because the bats around the second corner keep screaming and killing me no matter how buffed up i am. They wont come around the corner after me so I can paralyze them. Even magic immunity doesnt work.

  • edited May 2024

    The bats are just hard. Try to maneuver around so you can paralyze them.

    The scroll says "Today is a good day to die.".

  • YES! I finally got the crypt puzzle. Your brains at zarista are wicked sometimes. Thanks for the help. Is there a back way to come into the undenground river? Those two bats appear to be blocking the only way through. I tried to get them to chase me so i could hit them with cobra kiss, but thy wont follow.

  • They're level 100. I don't know what level you are but try equipping anything with high ac, drink fortify ac potions, use Stone Skin.

  • Whats fortify ac? Is that milee?

  • Sorry I meant Fortify Melee potion or Fortify Strength potion or both.

  • Im only level 49. I tried buffung up with everything and still got killed as soon as they screeched at me. I thought id go do other quests and maybe if i waited long enough they would go back to their origion positions so i can sneak by them. It takes 21 days to reset things doesnt it? Or maybe if i enchant enough items with strength and endurance maybe that might help. Time to be patient i guess. Thanks for the advice, Cat.

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