4th Crypt Key

So I’m in the Tower of the Dracon, making my way through the crypt. I’ve been stuck on the 4th door for a while. I went looking for a hint and apparently one of the monsters in the first room (with the two rows of coffins) is supposed to drop the 4th door key after being killed. Well…they didn’t! I’ve scoured every inch of the rooms I’ve cleared so far and no key. Is there anything I’m missing??


  • edited July 2023

    Welcome to the forum. Crypt Key 4 is in the same room as the gate that requires it--Tap the candle on the east wall. Crypt Key 5 is in the well of blood in that room. It's a second copy of 5. See below.

    Crypt Key 5 is also on a coffin in that first room.

    Crypt Key 6 is on a green column in the room whose door requires Crypt Key 5.

    Crypt Key 1 is on a coffin in that first room.

    Crypt Key 2 is on a candle in the room Crypt Key 1 takes you to. : )

    The Marquis of Souls drops Crypt Key 3.

  • Thanks! I figured that out literally right after I posted this question. Now, of course, I am stuck in the room with the hole in the floor. I have revealed a switch that goes “Tinkle” when pressed, but has no other discernible effect. I’m missing both a key for the door to the south of the corridor before the room and a way across the hole.

  • I'm not exactly sure where you are. There are a few holes.

    If it's the hole I think, you need a gold key for that door called Key. : ) It's on the ground in the room with the hole you can't pass.

    There is no way to remove that hole by that door but you don't need to to explore that area.

  • Hey! So I’m in the room where there is one green candle and one patch where it spins you around and points you South. There is a long corridor before you get to that room with a gold door at the south end. That’s the door I can’t open.

  • The key is on the floor in the room with the hole you will keep falling into forever because you can't reach that gold door from that side. Only from the other side and when you do open that door all you will find is that hole. :)

  • There are seven keys called Key that you need in Tower of the Dracon. : )

    You get Key 1 from Wizardz in the Guild.

    Key2 is dropped by the goblin Basher.

    Key3 is on the floor in the room with the hole you fall down and cannot remove.

    Key4 is on a normal colored candle in the southeast.

    Moti give you key5.

    Key 6 is dropped by the Sweet Softener.

    You get Key 7 from MattQx in the Guild.

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