Earth sprite Tourma location
in Asteroids I
Hi all, I'm missing one statue in Mage Haven - that of the Earth mage. I already got Chryso from the greenhouse. Where can I find Tourma? Some walkthrough says its a statue in Mineral Plains but I think that's from another thing altogether since there is no statue in my game.
Nevermind, I found her in the Titanium mines (as was noted in the "List of elemental sprites" document in my inventory).
I have also trouble finding Tourma. She’s not in Titanium Mines, unless she’s in the area accessible only via trap hole. I’m unable to re-enable the trap, and thus unable to access that area anymore.
Or is she supposed to be in Mineral Wastes? There’s no “Mineral Plains” in my game, so maybe not?
There is a Mineral Plains, to the north of Bubble City. Are you playing the HD version of Asteroids?
Yes, this is the HD version. I was able to locate Mineral Plains with your help. In my country they would say I have “wooden eyes” for not noticing it before. Thanks again, now I’m sure I’ll find Tourma!
Dear Cat,
I don’t know what to say. I was confident that I could find Tourma after you pointed me to Mineral Plains, but it seems I can’t see them anywhere. I’ve gone through Mineral Plains tile by tile, and even checked the connected Earth Sector and Green Gaby’s Well, but nothing.
Is there some special requirement for Tourma to show up? Another possibility is that i’ve already “collected” them, but can’t remember. The quest “Find the Sprites” is not okay for Mayor Jeb, so some sprite(s) is still missing. It could be Lacea also, which I’ve not seen anywhere. Other sprites, I’m quite sure I’ve collected.
Tourma in Elemental Asteroids is in the Mineral Plains. Tourma in the HD version of Asteroids is on a door in the far north of the Titanium Mines behind a brown nuggety crackable wall.
You get there from the Titanium Plains.
That wall is beyond the pit that can be removed by a switch there.
Thank you again, Cat! I have no words for how I could’ve missed that brown wall (I’m playing the HD version). I usually play these games just right before falling asleep, so maybe my brain is relaxing too much 😂
Now the only one left is Lacea. I’ve searched for her also, but haven’t found yet. Any pointers?
She's in the Air Sector. Standing there. But you have to tap the mirror to see her.
Hmm… now that you mention it, I have probably sent her to Mage Haven also. I just didn’t remember it. Is there any way to check who is missing? As far as I can see, I should have sent them all to Haven now.
Aha! I think I solved it: I visited the Mage Haven and something happened to the statues, and only after that Mayor Jeb accepted my quest as solved! So, I wasn’t missing any sprites after all, I just needed to do something more.
Aha moment! ^^