Game automatically closes when trying to purchase from Gilbert
I go into Conn's tower, I go to Gilbert in the crafting station, and the game force closes itself.
Tried reloading a previous saved game, and it does the same thing.
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I go into Conn's tower, I go to Gilbert in the crafting station, and the game force closes itself.
Tried reloading a previous saved game, and it does the same thing.
> I've been playing since a Palm Pilot too.
You’re welcome.
And I dont know if there’s a generic “suggestions” thread somewhere, but is there an option to sort inventory by most recently acquired?
If not, could there be? 😁
@MysticFury That was a real glitch. I did not check a box I should have checked.
> @Mag0802 Elendil is working on the Quest 2 and has said he won't update the Quest, so I can't ask him to sort inventory any differently. I can make a Suggestions thread if you like but it would have to be for things within my control like more random drops for monsters.
> @MysticFury That was a real glitch. I did not check a box I should have checked.
Oh, is that so? 😯 That's strange though, because last time (around few months ago or so, I believe) when I take on "Macha's Curse" expansion, that glitch didn't occurred on me at all.. 😗 Is it like some sort of a rare glitch or so? 😕
Also, regarding about Suggestions, I do have one suggestion in mind but I'm not sure if such idea had already been implemented into one of Zarista Games' expansions or so... 😅
> It could beca rare glitch. What is your suggestion?
I see. 🤔
Well, my suggestion is that for us adventurers to have a 'special service' from either an NPC or an object (like a statue, for example) whom/which gives us the opportunity to 'purchase' positive Fame from. 😗
The reason that I had this suggestion is that, there are a number of times that we lose a good amount of Fame due to our... wrongdoings or bad decisions in numerous ways (😅) and the only way that we could regain those positive Fame is by completing quests, which is actually limited in a sense. 😗 Most importantly, if we lose too much positive Fame, it would rendered us being unable to equip certain equipments (which requires us to be in Good Alignment beforehand), or that we won't be able to attempt certain quests because of our 'bad reputation' and all. 😔 But, if we have a source that we could 'purchase' positive Fame at anytime, then it would resolve such issues and makes our lives much more easier out there. 😙 Of course, the price for such 'services' won't be cheap most definitely... 😅
> That's a very good suggestion. It's too late for Curse of Linmore but I can do it in Cursed Chess Set.
I understand completely, Catacomber, so don't worry about it. ☺️👍 And as always, just simply take your time with the expansions, for it's no rush at all. ✌️😙