Kill Hemma Royde
in Asteroids I
I have two quests left - Great Elemental Lord & Rescue Lady Nyx. I have restored all four elemental mages (their statues are in Mage Haven). I have the Draconian Staff. I found Hemma Royde in the room beyond Lady Nyx in Last Days Hall. His name bar is green, so the game considers him friendly when I try to attack him with the Draconian Staff. The only option when I try to talk to him is Mindread, which just reduces my health to 10, and he stays green. The nearby door to the teleporter says it's locked until I kill Hemma Royde. What am I missing here?
That sounds like a glitch. You should have the dialogue option "Roid" and he'll turn aggressive. Try sleeping seven days and nights in an inn and go back. I can do some sort of fix if necessary but try that first.
I tried sleeping 7 days at an inn, but no change in Hemma's response. I even tried 8 days, but same result. There is another odd result that I have never seen before in any expansion. When I strike Hemma with the Draconian Staff, I get the standard window "You shouldn't attack this monster, it looks peaceful..." When I attack Hemma with any other weapon, I get nothing. I only get the "friendly" window when I use the Draconian Staff. Seems strange to me.
It sounds like a glitch but I can make him always aggressive. I don't know if your memory will see that so you might have to sleep again. I'll do an update.
Thank you so much, Catacomber. I really appreciate your commitment to this game and its fan base.
Just hang tight. I sent Elendil the new file but he's a bit busy.
> Thank you so much, Catacomber. I really appreciate your commitment to this game and its fan base.
Just out of curiosity, did you enabled any expansions before you started 'Asteroids I'? 😗
> It sounds like a glitch but I can make him always aggressive. I don't know if your memory will see that so you might have to sleep again. I'll do an update.
Erm.. Then what will happen to Hemma's dialogue which he will spoke to us with before he starts attacking us..? 😗 Would the dialogue be triggered automatically just like the Zeta Lord? 😕
> Hemma's dialogue is gone. I think what caused the glitch is that the dialogue is too long. The same thing happened with the bad guy in Thor's Hammer. I had to do the same fix there. Always aggressive. No dialogue.
That is strange.. 😕 I've like, play through 'Asteroids I' twice and that problem had never occurred onto me before, even when I had enabled a couple of expansions back then.. 😕
Do you refer to Ragnar the Berserker or someone else? 😯 Because I don't recalled that Ragnar would even talked to us at all, for he's always aggressive whenever we approached him.. 😕
> Yes, Ragnar also started out with a very long dialogue and for some players that caused a problem. They could never get him aggressive. So I did an update like now.
Oh? 😯 Interesting.. 😙
I'm kinda curious though.. What did Ragnar said in his dialogue before he attacks us? Is it something related to with his well-being before he invades Humbria and became infected with the Berserker's Curse? 😗
Well, just take it easy with the updates, alright? 😉
Ragnar drops a note to Freda. It says, "We were regular men once. At home, we lived just like everyone here. We farmed, hunted, tended flocks, married, raised families. Some of us are seekers of fortune but that's not the only reason we came here.
The soil of Humbria is rich and tempted us as much as the gold we've taken so freely. We wanted to make a new home here. But some witch cursed us. We are under a strange spell. This Berserker's Curse has robbed us of our will to do good things like till the soil and grow crops. We never think now of families and children. We just satisfy our lusts. Look at me. What normal woman could love my twisted features? So we must rape as well as steal.
The curse has filled our hearts with a desire for nothing but savagery."
That used to be his dialogue which was so long it caused some to cbe unable to trigger the set aggressive script.
Thanks. : ) I try not to do too many updates because Elendil is busy. Still waiting for Horde II to be uploaded to mobile.
> Ragnar drops a note to Freda. It says, "We were regular men once. At home, we lived just like everyone here. We farmed, hunted, tended flocks, married, raised families. Some of us are seekers of fortune but that's not the only reason we came here.
> The soil of Humbria is rich and tempted us as much as the gold we've taken so freely. We wanted to make a new home here. But some witch cursed us. We are under a strange spell. This Berserker's Curse has robbed us of our will to do good things like till the soil and grow crops. We never think now of families and children. We just satisfy our lusts. Look at me. What normal woman could love my twisted features? So we must rape as well as steal.
> The curse has filled our hearts with a desire for nothing but savagery."
> That used to be his dialogue which was so long it caused some to cbe unable to trigger the set aggressive script.
> Thanks. : ) I try not to do too many updates because Elendil is busy. Still waiting for Horde II to be uploaded to mobile.
Ohh... So that note which we received after killing Ragnar was actually and originally the dialogue of Ragnar's? 😯 Interesting. 😄 Though the note did implied that it's meant for Freda... Hmm.. I wonder if it means something here... 🤔
Well, we all just need to have patience for it, don't we? 😉
Thank you Catacomber. I was able to kill Hemma Royde and complete the expansion. BTW - I appreciated all the attribute boosts in this expansion.
You're welcome.
Joe99 wrote there “beyond Lady Nyx in Last Days Hall” so does that mean Nyx can be found somewhere in Last Days Hall? I haven’t seen her anywhere :(
Any help, please?
She is in the Last Days Hall. She's behind a red gate that opens if you've killed Hemma Royde.
You get there from a teleporter in the Abyss.
I’m afraid I don’t know where Hemma Royde is. I’ve searched all over the Last Days Hall, but can find him. Could you show him on a map, please? 🙏
My Last Days Hall looks like this. Have I not found all places? This is the HD version
I found it! No need for help anymore! Hemma’s dead ☠️