Wizened Skull Quest and fix air pipes

Dear Cat
I was determined not to bother you again but my wife and myself are totally stuck on 2 quests:-
In the fetch a wizened skull quest we are in the Dark Tower, which seems to consist of just 2 floors. we have done the get some medieval armour quest and I have looked at the previous dark tower post but we can not find a door to open or a shield shaped object on the wall to tap on either the ground or first floors. We have tapped, hit and roundly cursed every wall, pillar and torch on both floors.
In the fix air pipes quest there are some dark coloured force fields the I am guessing lead to the air pipes that appear unmoveable. We have hit, tapped and cast every spell we can think of (which resulted in committing a crime by attacking friendly NPCS) to no avail.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank heavens for your expansions to help pleasurably pass the time during this country's second lockdown.


  • Dear Cat
    We have sorted out the air pipes and the dark coloured force fields but still no progress with the Dark Tower.
    We also cannot find a way into the Draconite Mts to find the sprite there or find the sprite in the Solar Greenhouse.
    P.S. If you are wearied of this barrage of questions, go away and work it out yourself is an acceptable response.

  • edited November 2020
    > @dmb said:
    > Dear Cat
    > We have sorted out the air pipes and the dark coloured force fields but still no progress with the Dark Tower.
    > We also cannot find a way into the Draconite Mts to find the sprite there or find the sprite in the Solar Greenhouse.
    > DMB
    > P.S. If you are wearied of this barrage of questions, go away and work it out yourself is an acceptable response.

    Do you refer to Jaspa, the half of the Fire Mage? πŸ˜— He's within the Draconite Mines. Look for the wall with a different color on it. I believe that different wall is around near where the entrance of the mine is at.

    And just out of curiosity, did you attained the quest 'Bring Proof' from Lady Nyx before going to the Dark Tower? πŸ˜— I get the feeling that it might be related to that quest of yours.. πŸ€”
  • Thanks for your help. Yes I obtained and completed that quest.
    Thanks again for your response.

  • Thank you MysticFury for all your help. : )

  • edited November 2020
    I'm glad that I was able to be an aid of your quest, DMB. ☺️

    And no problem at at, Catacomber. β˜ΊοΈπŸ‘

    By the way, about finding Chryso (Half of Earth Mage), there is a suspicious looking wall within the 'Cave' inside of Solar Greenhouse, which I believe that there's probably where Chryso is at.. πŸ€” But perhaps it may only be break down if only we find the Sprites in specific order (Like on the List itself) or we require some special weapons to break it down perhaps..? πŸ˜•
  • Update: I've just found out how to find Chryso. πŸ˜€ You need to attained the quest 'Gather Mold' from Dr. Vrax in Algae Reefs.

    After that, go to Solar Greenhouse and talk to Fallout Mike whom he will gave you a map of the Greenhouse which you can tap away those suspicious looking wall. Keep tapping and you will eventually reached an area with a door (Besides the wall where you need to gathered the mold from) and Chryso is inside there. ☺️
  • Thank you both for all your help.
    I am still stuck in the Dark Tower though. I just can not find that wizened skull to give to the Butler.

  • Here's the Wizard's Skull at. Tap on the crack to obtain it. πŸ™‚
  • I would like to sincerely apologize to you for providing you the wrong information based on finding Jaspa back then, DMB.. πŸ˜”

    The location of Jaspa is at the upper north-east section of Draconite Mines, not near the entrance.. I must gotten the area mixed up a bit. 😣

    I apologize once again if you had been confused while searching for Jaspa within the mines back then.. πŸ˜”
  • Dear Mystic
    No need to apologise at all. Any help is much appreciated, especially the wizened skull, how we missed that crack I do not know.
    Once again thank you for your help.

  • edited November 2020
    > @dmb said:
    > Dear Mystic
    > No need to apologise at all. Any help is much appreciated, especially the wizened skull, how we missed that crack I do not know.
    > Once again thank you for your help.
    > DMB.

    You're most welcome. πŸ™‚ It's just that I dislike myself to mislead others because of my careless mistakes.. πŸ˜”
  • Hi, I have the quest I have the skull but can't find the Wizened Wizard in the earth sector. I took a long break and can't remember now.

  • edited July 2022

    After you speak to him, he disappears. Talk to the butler in the Dark Castle of Edgar Ael and he will take the skull and solve the quest.

  • ups🫣 I should've figured it out myself.πŸ™πŸ»

  • I am resurrecting an old thread, but I would like to query as to where can I find the Dark Castle or Dark Tower? World map doesn’t show such location, and no dialogue so far has revealed the location either. And I’ve travelled around a lot, but don’t recall ever coming to anything named “Dark Castle”?

  • Dark Tower is in the Canals.

  • Thank you very much! I am very appreciative of your help, and these games.

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