Help with a couple of quests
Love the games. Thank you Cat.
A couple of asteroids questions:
1. How do I put out the fires in the gold mine?
2. Where is the spell book of mage-ification?
3. How do I get the uranioum rods in the blue ice asteroid? I have the gloves on and I’m in the pit, but I don’t know how to get the rods.
4. Finally, I can’t get the numbers in old shamans garden to rise when I press the buttons? What am I missing?
Thanks again.
For the fires in the gold mines, you need snowballs and to stand in a certain spot to throw them.
You get the spell of mageification from a hollow tree in the north of Argive Rise.
For the Uranium Rods, go to the spot where the fires are and with the gloves in your inventory, you should get the rods. If you're not sure of the spot, let me know.
The numbers in Old Shaman's garden rise for me. Press the switch and then test it on the lion face. What happens when you touch the lion face and are you having a problem with all the lion faces?
Thanks Cat.
Interesting. Where do I get snowballs?
In the tree in Argive rise, I get blank stares from squirrels. Damn squirrels.
Not sure of spot for the uranium rods. Would love more info.
For the garden, I hit the lion face and it says zero. I hit the switches to plus or minus one and the result anyways stays zero. No change no matter how much I hit them.
You can get snowballs from any merchant that sells normal items, for example, Fallout Mike, OddLotho, Koffman.
You have to hit the hollow tree with Freckles' Magic Wand to get the book. She gave you the wand. It's a staff.
Here is where you need to stand for the Uranium Rods--
For the switches, maybe sleep seven days and go back. Don't know why it doesn't work for you.
Here is Old Shaman's guide to his dungeon.
Okay. I tried resetting, but the numbers in old shamans garden still don’t change.
In the blue ice asteroid, I can only walk two-thirds of the way across the pit.
Also, how do I get across the barrier in the titanium mine? I keep getting pushed back.
NM on the blue asteroid. Apparently you have to hit the switch with a weapon, not just press it.
And of course once I wrote that I reset again and this time it works. So all good here.
Thanks Cat. Great games.
Glad you got through.
I have the same problem in the garden. I tap the plus button (for example 3 times for yellow) and then when I tap the lion says 0. What am i suppose to doing?
I can't find snowballs anywhere - have tried Fallout Mike and Koffman - can't find OddLotho - help!
Any shop that sells normal miscellaneous items sells snowballs. Koffman sells them. Odd Lotho's in Sector 503. It's a chest.
Founds it - thank you!
Hi, can I have some more details:
I enter the garden, walk on the first plate to "reset" the garden, then I go on the white/gray plate to empty the garden (there's a mistake in the guid, it show the white/gray plate as the yellow plate).
Then I walk on the blue plate, set 8 on the white/gray lion (or my color bling eyes have more problem than I tought) and press the head.
Then I walk on the white/gray plate to empty the garden and then I walk on the yellow plate, set 3 on the yellow lion and press the head.
Then I walk on the white/gray plate to empty the garden and then I walk on the red plate, set 5 on the red lion and press the head.
Now I try to go the area where I must found a button but nothing there, there is a tree a bit different but nothing more.
And near the exit there is a three that said Poison oak.
But I'm stuck.
Thanks for your help
> (Quote)
> Hi, can I have some more details:
> I enter the garden, walk on the first plate to "reset" the garden, then I go on the white/gray plate to empty the garden (there's a mistake in the guid, it show the white/gray plate as the yellow plate).
> Then I walk on the blue plate, set 8 on the white/gray lion (or my color bling eyes have more problem than I tought) and press the head.
> Then I walk on the white/gray plate to empty the garden and then I walk on the yellow plate, set 3 on the yellow lion and press the head.
> Then I walk on the white/gray plate to empty the garden and then I walk on the red plate, set 5 on the red lion and press the head.
> Now I try to go the area where I must found a button but nothing there, there is a tree a bit different but nothing more.
> And near the exit there is a three that said Poison oak.
> But I'm stuck.
> Thanks for your help
Just curious, did you go back and step on this pressure plate (shown by the image) once that you've input the correct number for each lion head? 😗
If you had input the correct number sequences and stepped on the pressure plate, you then should be able to pass through the poisonous 'waterlilie' without any problems at all. 😗
Nope, I try and same result:
What I did:
The first presure plate, the reset presure plate, the blue presure plate, enter 8, press the head.
The first presure plate, the reset presure plate, the yellow presure plate, enter 3, press the head
The fisrt presure plate, the reset presure plate, the red presure plate, entre 5, press the head, the first presure plate.
> Nope, I try and same result:
> What I did:
> The first presure plate, the reset presure plate, the blue presure plate, enter 8, press the head.
> The first presure plate, the reset presure plate, the yellow presure plate, enter 3, press the head
> The fisrt presure plate, the reset presure plate, the red presure plate, entre 5, press the head, the first presure plate.
Wait, do you refer the 'first pressure plate' as the same pressure plate that I mentioned of earlier on? 😯 (In another words, the same pressure plate that's featured on the screenshots which I've provided earlier on) I don't think that you're supposed to press the first pressure plate but only AFTER you have the correct number sequences being set up first though.. 😗
> > @nico7550 said:
> > Nope, I try and same result:
> >
> > What I did:
> > The first presure plate, the reset presure plate, the blue presure plate, enter 8, press the head.
> > The first presure plate, the reset presure plate, the yellow presure plate, enter 3, press the head
> > The fisrt presure plate, the reset presure plate, the red presure plate, entre 5, press the head, the first presure plate.
> Wait, do you refer the 'first pressure plate' as the same pressure plate that I mentioned of earlier on? 😯 (In another words, the same pressure plate that's featured on the screenshots which I've provided earlier on) I don't think that you're supposed to press the 'first pressure plate' but only AFTER you have the correct number sequences being set up first though.. 😗
That 'first pressure plate' was actually a 'switch' for those poisonous 'waterlilies', so there's actually no point of standing on that pressure plate when you didn't had the correct number sequences first. 😗 (Or to put it simply, you DON'T HAVE to keep standing on the 'first pressure plate' every time when you input the numbers sequences for each lion heads.. 😅)
The new sequence I test still give a nogo:
The first presure plate
The reset presure plate, the blue presure plate, enter 8, press the head.
The reset presure plate, the yellow presure plate, enter 3, press the head.
The reset presure plate, the red presure plate, entre 5, press the head.
The first presure plate.
> The new sequence I test still give a nogo:
> The first presure plate
> The reset presure plate, the blue presure plate, enter 8, press the head.
> The reset presure plate, the yellow presure plate, enter 3, press the head.
> The reset presure plate, the red presure plate, entre 5, press the head.
> The first presure plate.
I think I figured it out the problem. The problem is that when you stand on the 'Reset' pressure plate, it ALSO resets the number sequences on the lion heads back to 0 too. 😅
So try this method, stand on the 'Reset' pressure plate one more time and set up the correct number sequences for each lion heads, then finally stand on the 'first' pressure plate. You should received a message which you should be able to leave the garden without any problems. 🙂
> Thanks, it's work and one more expansion finish
You're most welcome there. ☺️👍
I’ll say! I’ve camped outside of Fallout Mike’s shop for many days now, and no sign of snowballs. I’ll try some of the other merchants that you mentioned, Cat. And I’m hoping that my luck changes after posting this, because, when a problem is posted, it sometimes gets solved by itself.
It worked! Posting here magically made the snowballs to appear in Koffman’s inventory! ….no, I’m not superstitious, but hey, if it works - it works 😂
Problem! Old Shaman’s Garden lion heads are not giving me anything else except zeros! I’ve tried camping in the Miner’s Guild for 10 days (checked from the game’s calendar) but that didn’t help! 😭 Every time when I click on the buttons for lion heads, they stay at number zero! I simply can’t get them to increase or decrease to anything, ever!
😭 What to do? 😭 I’d hate to abandon this one quest, it’ll be a spot of shame on my otherwise squeaky clean quest log! 😭
All help much appreciated!
The buttons work. I don't know what to tell you. Press the switch and then test it on the lion's face.
As you face north, the button on the left adds 1. The button on the right subtracts 1. I just tested this again.
Try disabling some expansions if you still can't get it to work.
Thank you! Yesterday I was banging my head against the wall with these buttons, but today when I tried them again they worked wonderfully. So, taking a break in real world helped, and maybe also the fact that I quit the application and relaunched it only a day later.
If someone else encounters something fishy with the buttons, try this recipe: camp out of the garden for 10-15 days in game, exit the application, wait until next real world day, and relaunch the application. Maybe the real world wait is not necessary, you might be fine without it.
Dear Cat,
one more question regarding Mageification spellbook. Could you please post a map of where that spellbook is? All I can find are squirrels and birds…
You have to hit that hollow tree where the squirrels and birds are with Freckles' Magic Wand .